Share an extraordinary dining table!
Bulgogi Jeongol
Sempio is excited to introduce a very easy to prepare Bulgogi Jeongol recipe. The secret is Sempio's Bulgogi Sauce and Sempio Chosun Ganjang.
Combined, they add a rich and savory dimension to the broth.
The meat and vegetables will be enriched with a rich harmony of flavors!
A cross between a casserole and a traditional Korean Jjigae, Jeongol is served in a large pot, where people serve themselves from the pot.
As a result, It is a great dish to share with guests. Jeongol is usually prepared with sliced beef or seafood and vegetables. However, people will often add leftover Jeon (Korean pancakes) and dumplings after celebrating Seollnal (Korea new year's day).
Cook yourself Korean famous local food in your kitchen!
Sempio Ready to cook sauces!
It is now possible to bring home the tastes and flavors from many of Korea's most famous dishes found all over the country. With over seventy years of research, experience and technical skills, Sempio has brought it all together for customers to enjoy. Introducing Sempio's Ready to Cook Sauces!
You no longer need to labor by combining ingredients to recreate flavors from your favorite foodie experiences. With Sempio, all you need now is some fresh main ingredients and your favorite Sempio Ready to Cook Sauce! The best Korea has to offer, now in the comfort of your home!
식탁을 화려하게!
불고기 전골
샘표 불고기 소스와 조선간장을 넣어 만드는 맛있는 불고기 전골!
고기와 채소, 진한 국물이 만들어내는 환상적인 하모니가 일품이랍니다.
보글보글 끓는 육수에 갖은 재료를 넣어 만드는 전골요리는 친척들이 모이는 명절에 대접하기에 안성맞춤이죠.
한국의 별미요리를 찾아서!
별미여행 시리즈
한국의 지역 명물요리를 집에서도 쉽게 만들 수 있는 한식양념 시리즈가 별미여행 시리즈로 새롭게 리뉴얼 되었습니다.
70년간 한식 맛내기의 기본이 되는 장을 연구해온 노하우를 바탕으로 본고장의 맛과 비결을 담아 제대로 만들었습니다.
이제는 보다 편리하고 맛있게 한식요리를 즐기세요!
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